BitterSweet Symphony

Entry #1

Posted on: January 16, 2011

For my first blog I thought I would just talk about some things that have been going on this week.  First and formost the event of the week was most definately the snow.  I’m sure many will agree with me when I say that U of L didn’t exactly handle the situation in the best way.

When I first turned my TV on Tuesday morning and saw the scroll of school closings I thought for sure the university would be on that list.  When I didn’t see it I checked my phone for a Rave Weather Alert, but nothing.  I began thinking that JCPS and the weathermen were making a big deal out of nothing, like they sometimes do.  My mind quickly changed when i stepped outside and nearly slipped from the ice on my step.  My first class is at 9:30, so i was out and about right when the snow was still falling strong and the roads were covered with a thin layer of slush and ice.  I was almost to school when right in front of the natural science building on eastern parkway i hit a slick spot and slide nearly 5 feet, barely missing a black pole and nearly going down the hill by miller IT.

Once on campus and seeing that a lot of the sidewalks and stairs were not properly treated I think its safe to say that U of L made the wrong decision.  As the day went on and the snow began to melt and not fall as fast and the sidewalks and streets started to clear, it wasn’t bad.  I agree that closing the university probably would have been a hasty decision but I think they should have delayed classes until after 10.  If their going to keep school open with no delays they should at least make sure the road outside of school and all the sidewalks and stairways be clear.  When I slide in front, right across from me was another woman in a big truck who did the very same thing.  This shows just how bad the roads were and more importantly how bad they were in front of school.

At around 3 the school issued an email backing their decision to keep school open.  This to me was them trying to save their behinds.  They realized they made the wrong decision but instead of admitting blame and apologizing to the students and staff for the inconvience they simply stood by what they decided.  All I can say is I really hope they saw that they made the wrong decision and hopefully if this happens again they make the right decision for everyone’s safety.

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